Friday, March 28, 2008

Recession and MBA

Why an MBA can prove good news in bad times

GIVEN the economic gloom and the good times not expected to return in the immediate future, is it a good or a bad time to study for an MBA?

The trite answer is that it is always a good time to take an MBA. The reality is more complicated. Much depends on how long and how deep the economic trough is likely to be. A full-blown recession in America and possibly in the UK must be bad news for job markets.

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Bad times can be good for B-schools.

As concern about a possible recession grows, graduate school typically offers a safe haven—but only up to a point

It may sound counterintuitive, but with the R word—recession—increasingly being bandied about by economic forecasters, business schools could soon be seeing the highest application volume they've seen since the burst of the dot-com bubble. If that happens, it would fit into the counter-cyclical trend of business-school applications, where students initially flock to business schools when the economy shows signs of faltering.

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